New Paradigm Health Cookery offers whole food, plant based recipes.

This site was developed to help others shift to a new health enhancing, nutritional paradigm, a whole food, plant based diet.  My husband and I made the change to this way of eating and cooking after reading “The China Study” by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.  We first heard about these...

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Perfect Bowl of Oatmeal

This is pretty much how I start my day.  When I eat this much for breakfast, I don’t find myself getting hungry before lunch.  I guarantee you won...

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Jalapeno Corn Bread

I made this to go with the Sweet Potato Bean Soup.  My mom always served cornbread with bean soup.

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Hearty Mushroom Lentil & Mushroom Ragu + Pasta Adapted from the website: The Simple Veganista

This was a delicious recipe I found on Pinterest from The Simple Veganista that I adapted.  I added crushed tomatoes, more broth and Trader Joe’s...

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